Need a coach
for college?

I can help you...


Comprehensive packages for students grades 9-12 are tailored to meet your needs. Services may include:

  • Develop a high school 4-year academic plan to approach course selection, academic rigor, and making the most of the academic opportunities available.

  • Review college admissions requirements, including coursework, GPA, and standardized testing.

  • Consider extracurricular involvements, such as activities in and out of school, volunteering, work, and summer programs. Discuss ways to go deeper in involvements and also explore new interests.

  • Administer the Strong Interest Inventory™ and complete a consultation to review the assessment. Provide direction and resources for career and major exploration.

  • Discover college values, preferences, and school “fit”. Collaborate to develop a list of colleges with information for comparison. Review policies, requirements, and timelines to support meeting deadlines for each college the student applies. 

  • Create a “brag sheet” or resume and develop a plan to receive letters of recommendation.

  • Assist with essay brainstorming, development, and writing.

  • Offer guidance and coaching on presenting your best self to colleges via your application, campus visits, and/or interviews.


  • The college search starts with: Who am I? Why do I want to go to college? I use the Strong Interest Inventory as a tool for identifying interests and possible areas of study or careers. As a 17-year-old, it is a lot of pressure to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life. I will guide you in exploring interests, seeing if there are patterns. I want you to go into college with a general direction and let the college experience narrow down your career path.

  • The most heavily weighted part of your college application is your transcript. Together we will build a high school 4-year plan, taking into consideration your interests and potential major. We will review freshman college admissions requirements and recommendations, including standardized testing. During this phase we will carefully plan academic rigor, extracurricular activities, and summer opportunities.

  • It is never too early to prepare for the upcoming admissions cycle. This is a critical phase in which you will be compiling all the elements of your application. This includes creating a “brag sheet” and activities list, requesting letters of recommendation, beginning your essays by reflecting on your experiences and values, discussing what is a good college “fit” for you, researching colleges to build a list, and creating an informed application strategy.

  • Your application is not a form, it’s a story. You will complete applications that best represent you. We will approach this in a highly organized way to alleviate stress.

  • You will be empowered to select a college, and most importantly, know why you are making that choice.

About Me

Hello, I’m Sarah…

I have a passion for coming alongside students and families as they navigate the 4-year college admissions process. It’s an exciting time, full of potential, hopes, and dreams. It’s also an uncertain and unpredictable time. There are so many options and choices. You will find a lot of information - and misinformation; even for well-informed students it can be overwhelming. Emotions may be high as everyone prepares for this upcoming adjustment in their family life cycle.

I approach college admissions in a systematic way, tailored to each student and family. Working through my 5 Phase process, I want to empower you to make the best choice, an informed decision that excites you because you know what your goals and values are, so you know exactly why you’re making that choice. 

This process is so much more than where you go after high school, it’s a growing experience that can prepare you for the realities of college life. I want our partnership to help you grow in autonomy and coach you to have college readiness tools such as responsibility, time management, and self-advocacy.

I have a Master’s degree in Education with a school counseling credential, and I have been an educator over 20 years. I began my career in admissions at a private liberal arts college. As the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions, I have a deep understanding of how the admissions process works. I have evaluated countless applications and made difficult admissions decisions. I have read applications for the UC system, evaluating essays and extracurricular activities. For over a decade I was a high school counselor, taking the lead on 4-year college and scholarship counseling. As my average caseload was 350 students, I felt I did not have time to give individual attention to my students. I’m excited to use my background in a new way to help meet the needs and goals of my students and families. I look forward to connecting with you!


Contact me via the button below, or book a free 30 minute consoltation.